Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sign Post Forest at Lake Watson

View of camping along Laird River
When we woke-up this morning we went outside and we were greeted by that one lone buffalo we saw yesterday, he had walked 15 km (at least we think it was the same buff). We strolled along with him for a while, we were on one side of the road and him on the other.

In 1941, Carl Lindsey, a homesick G.I., added a sign for his hometown of Danville, IL while he was repairing a directional sign-post at Watson Lake. This started the Sign Forest, visitors have added signs ever since; there are close to 100,000 unique signs now. Yes, John and I added a sign too.

Behind the Sign Forest, is the Alaska Highway Interpretive Centre, a good quick stop. We watched a short movie about how the Alaska Highway was an engineering marvel of World War II.       

We checked into Caribou RV Park for the night. Once we were setup, we could not take off in the jeep until we washed it. Lucky for us the RV park has a car and RV wash. As soon as it was clean we were off to explore the town of Whitehorse. Nice town, not too small. We were going to try one of the local steak restaurants but they had lines of people out the doors. We ended up at Boston Pizza for salads and pizza; very good!

John next to the sign he placed in the Sign Post Forest

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