Tuesday, July 19, 2016

One night in Great Falls

First, I should let you know, that our three nights of dry camping at Big Sky was a breeze; plenty of water for showers and everything else. We are now ready to do multi-night dry camping out in the rest of the world.

We were not requiring much from the FamCamp at Malmstorm AFB, we just needed a place to get our laundry done, empty gray & black tanks and fill the fresh water tank. But we were pleasantly surprised. We got a great pull-thru site and the laundry room was nice and clean. No one else was using it so we had all of our laundry, to include towels and sheets folded and put away within two hours.  Also, we had the pleasure of meeting Gus and Priscilla from Louisiana. We enjoyed talking with them, they have been RVing for nine years; we learned a lot from them.

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