Monday, July 11, 2016

Saying Good-Bye to Buff

Searching for buffalo
We went to Custer State Park today to say good-bye to the buffalos, we arrived early and drove the Wildlife Loop - we saw antelope but no buffalo. We took the dirt roads - saw two ferrets and hundreds of prairie dogs but no buffalo. Where can 1300 bison hide? We had a picnic on top of one of the hills - it was a nice spot, shaded trees and a cool breeze, good lunch spot.  We did the rounds again, first the Loop and then the dirt roads - no buffs.  As we were headed to the visitor's center to see if they knew were they were, a big heard of over 500 buffalo walked out of the woods and strolled beside our jeep. Once again, we had the roof off so we just stood up and enjoyed the experience.  The baby buffs are getting bigger, it has been nice watching them grow this summer.

Tomorrow we move out of the RV park at Ellsworth AFB and head off to Yellowstone National Park.

By the way, our stay at Ellsworth AFB has wonderful, Chris and his staff were great.

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