Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Custer State Park

We spent the day at Custer State park, this time we entered the park from the north side (on 16A). There are three or four single lane, short tunnels carved out of the the rock as you wind your way through the beautiful Black Hills. All of the tunnels are placed so you can see Mount Rushmore!  It is a breathtaking curvy drive with multiple places to pull over on the side of the road and hike a trail, climb the rocks or just take in the scenery.

We stopped for a picnic and while we were eating we noticed a large white tailed deer on a hillside in the woods. She watched cautiously and then slowly moved down toward us, she grazed on some tall grass about 20 ft from our picnic blanket. So serene. 

Later, we drove on Wildlife Loop and came across fifty buffalo relaxing in a big field, we were excited and stopped the jeep and watched them. Then we started out again, drove over a hill and there were at least 800 buffalo everywhere! So many big male bison, and lots of mama's with their young baby buffalo. They walked all around the jeep. What a sight!

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