Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Alpine Slide

Many, many years ago when I was around 12 years old, I visited my cousins in Massachusetts for the summer; and my Uncle Al and Aunt Di took all of us kids to an Alpine Slide.  It had speedy curves, you can go a fast as you want, I fell in love with it!  I have never seen one again... until now. 

Rushmore Tramway Adventures in the town of Keystone has an Alpine Slide, we rode it today.  After signing the lengthy waiver we took the chair lift to the top of the hill.  The ride up is beautiful, great mountain scenery.  There was a long line for the slide, that was okay because our focus was finding lunch. We knew they had a bar and grill shack on the top of the hill, but they also have wonderful gardens with waterfalls and the view of Mount Rushmore is terrific. So we put in our order at the grill and sat at a table by a waterfall and took some time to enjoy it all. 

When we were ready to go on the slide, there were only a few people in line. We made sure there was extra space between us and the two sliders in front of us, because we wanted to go fast and not catch up to them.  Loved it!  It is not dangerous just lots of fun!

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