Thursday, September 8, 2016

Skagway, Alaska

Skagway is a cruise port town nestled deep in a valley, surrounded by pristine snow-capped mountains. There were two ships in port today and the restaurants on the main street were pretty crowded so we went off the beaten path by a block and found a gem in the Station Restaurant and Bar. I had a chef salad with a tasty tomato blue cheese dressing, John enjoyed their cheeseburger and fries.

We saw the live theater show of Jefferson "Soapy" Smith, very good show. The can-can dance girls pulled me on stage to participate in the dance-line, it was lots of fun even though I'm far from being ready to join the Rockettes. 

We drove back up Klondike Highway to hike though the beautiful terrain we saw yesterday; then drove out to Carcross Desert and visited the village close by.  When we first arrived in Alaska about 7 weeks ago, we could play in the wilderness late into the night. The sun didn't go down until 11:30 PM. Now you can tell fall is approaching, tonight it started getting darker by 8 o'clock.

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