Saturday, September 3, 2016

Alaska State Fair

We went to the Alaska State Fair, we enjoyed the yummy state-fair food like turkey legs, bar-b-que pork sandwiches and fruit filled cream puffs. We saw the epic sized produce like the pumpkin that was just shy of 1,500 lbs, a new Alaskan state record. Enjoyed seeing all the animals but the best part of the fair was a booth where the Elks Lodge ran something called the Rat Race, so much fun!   It raised a lot of money for charity. 

We made it back to Anchorage in time for a pizza dinner at the Moose's Tooth, awesome pizza!  While there, we ran into a nice,dynamic young couple we met last week down in Seward on the fjord glacier boat tour, Tyler and Gabrielle, he serves in the Air Force and she is a nurse. Her parents, Carita and David, were at the Moose's Tooth with them, they are up visiting from Arizona. Fabulous people, we all had a great time getting to know each other.

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