Wednesday, July 27, 2016

North Pole, Alaska

Outdoor Wood Burning Pizza Oven
We explored the Fairbanks area today.

Picked up fresh veggies and ate fire oven pizza at the Tanana Valley Farmers Market, so good.

Stopped by the town of North Pole. We fed and walked around with Santa's reindeer, gorgeous animals.

Later we met up with Louise and Birdie at the RV park. We sprayed on some mosquito repellent (the locals jokingly call the mosquito the state bird) and sat at a picnic table talking and laughing with them for hours; good Alaskan outdoors, good people, good time. Before we knew it was 10:30 PM, the sun doesn't set until close to midnight so we never noticed the time flying.

Just about every place in North Pole keep the Christmas theme,
very cute. This is the local welding shop.

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