Saturday, July 30, 2016

Arctic Circle

Today we decided to go into the Arctic Circle. It is over 400 miles round-trip, we took the Dalton Highway and the roads were mostly dirt and gravel. When we made it to the Yukon River we were thinking we may not make it to the Arctic Circle because we were at a 1/2 tank of gas and we may need to turn around. We pulled into the Yukon River Camp right after passing the river and were delighted to find they sell gas, we knew we can continue the trip. Actually, it was a was a great stop, they took care of all of our needs: fuel, restroom, and we ate great burgers with incredible steak fries.  With our gas tank full and our tummies full we where back on the road headed north. The Dalton Highway runs parallel with the Alaskan Pipeline. we saw a lot of pipeline today. About 15 miles south of the circle the environment changes, there are fewer trees, they call it the Arctic Tundra. A little drive further and we made it! 
We walked around, there is a campground up a gravel road.

On the way home we saw moose!  

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