Saturday, June 4, 2016

Crazy Horse Volksmarch

Only two weekends a year the Crazy Horse Memorial gives the public the opportunity to see his face up close and walk out on the arm of the sculpture and this weekend is one of them.  It coincides with a food drive, so we picked up two bags of can goods on the way.

This volksmarch was nicely organized, a friendly team accepted the food donations at the gate and told us where to park, the registration team was just as helpful.  John and I hiked the 10k trek with many others. We started this volksmarch on a narrow rocky trail through the Black Hills woodlands beneath the shade of this huge masterpiece, going up and down the hillside until we came out of the woods onto a wide packed dirt road  that zig-zags up to the top. When we arrived at the top... Wow,  we were greeted by the 87-ft tall face of Crazy Horse and walked along the top of his outreached arm, so cool!

Our time on this massive sculpture was a true experience. The Crazy Horse Volksmarch is a unique hike, allowing us to get up close to the largest mountain carving in progress in the world. This event is sponsored by the Black Hills Chapter of the American Volksmarch Association (AVA) and hosted by Crazy Horse Memorial.


  1. We enjoying reading and looking at photos y'all are posting,keep posting ...
    Mark & Barbara.

    1. Hi Mark and Barbara, good to hear from you and thanks for following the blog. We hope to see you guys again this year, maybe will see you at one of the Entegra Rallies. We plan to attend the SummerFest at Big Sky, OctoberFest in LasVegas, and DecemberFest at Daytona Beach.

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