Thursday, May 11, 2017

Day-4 of PDI & Entegra Factory Tour

Entegra technicians picked up our coach at 6:30 this morning to continue with the PDI and they let us know that our auto-generator panel needed the latest software update loaded.  We took it to Cummings in Elkhart for programing. They were fast, the software was updated on our auto-gen panel in just a few minutes.

Each afternoon when the coach is returned to us, we review the work that the technicians completed. Most of the time, the finished work is a perfect examples of quality and precision; but once or twice it needed a little more attention and we just point it out to the techs the next morning and they redo it to our satisfaction.  

This afternoon, John and I joined four other Entegra Coach owners on a tour of the factory. This was the best Entegra tour we have been on, it was a small group of fun people and we were lucky enough to have the intrepid PJ as our tour guide. He is one of the company's sharpest technicians. He took the time to point out the differences of each of our coaches with what we were seeing on the new 2018's. True to form, PJ answered all of the owner's questions entertainingly and in full detail - he is a smart, funny guy and an amazing tour guide.

It was nice walking through the beautiful 2018 coaches that were ready for delivery.

Entegra Coaches include a 2-year warranty and 3-year roadside assistance. We used our roadside assistance, CoachNet, once last year. We were driving in the mid-west during a rainstorm and our windshield wiper started to have problems. We found a safe place to pullover and called CoachNet. A mechanic came to our rig in the pouring rain, he fixed our problem and we safely continued our journey all within three hours of calling.

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