Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Turnagain Arm, Alaska

We packed up the RV and left Fort Richardson's RV Park in Anchorage. Heading south on the Seward Highway along the dramatic shorelines of Turnagain Arm. In my opinion, one of the most beautiful stretches of highway in America providing a breathtaking view of mountains, wildlife and ocean. We spent the night at a rest stop beside the Turnagain Arm, this was the most beautiful place we have ever camped. I loved watching the tide water levels change, they moved about 14 feet every 6 hours. The low tide drained the arm, leaving endless mud flats. When the high tide returned it was like a flash flood, generating some class IV whitewater waves. We were lucky enough to see a small pod of belugas swimming in the Arm and sheep on mountains.

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