Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trolley Tour of Savannah, GA

Denise, John, and I went on a Trolley Tour of Savannah, our driver, Joycee, was amazing - full of funny tails and great stories about the city. Sadly, Terry could not join us - he had to work today. We had lunch at the Pirate's House - John first ate here back in the 1960's. He says it is still pretty much like it was over 50 years ago.

Denise is a wonderful tour guide. We tasted different gourmet popcorns, bought cookies at Byrd's and visited a few candy shops where she knew most of the candy makers by name. Another wonderful day seeing all that Savannah has to offer.

After touring Savannah, we watched the two movies associated with this fabulous old town -  'Forest Gump' and 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil'.

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