Friday, October 20, 2017

Ol' Friends and Good Times

For many years John has told me funny and adventurous stories about his good times with his ol' friend Sam, but I had never met Sam - until today. He drove over for a visit, Sam lives in GA about three hours away from Helen. He is a retired municipal and state court judge. John got to know Sam long before Sam started his career in law.  They first met when Sam was John's Tac Officer at Ft Benning’s, Infantry Officer Candidate School in 1966.  John tells me that it all feels like it was only yesterday; he says the school was one of those experiences you would not trade anything for, but one you would never want do a second time. Sam and John became good friends.

It was a real pleasure meeting Sam and spending the day with him.  We strolled along the stores of Helen and when it was time for lunch I learned that Sam enjoyed good southern cooking like I do. Yes, you guessed it, we had to show him our latest find: Hawg Wild BBQ. It was a really good day and we look forward to seeing Sam again in the future. 

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