Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Swimming in the Gulf

Back when I was a kid, I went to the Florida keys on a family vacation and have wonderful memories of that trip.  A few years ago, John and I stopped at Key West for a day on a cruise ship port-stop. With the limited time,  we were only able to enjoy a little shopping, a quick tour of the island, yummy Margaritaville burgers, and a cold beer at Sloppy Joe's. It was a good port-stop, but we knew we wanted to return when we had more time to kick back, chill out, and truly live the Key West vibe. We have returned and this time we are staying for one full month!

Today we walked out the door and swam in the gulf directly outside of our RV.  We spent all day in or by the water - a truly kicked back, chilled out day. Nice. 

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