Monday, March 13, 2017

Circle of Life

Lois Essery  1937 - 2016
    Mom dancing with my brother Bob                                            
Mom (1958)
Mom & Dad (1985)

Sad news: We lost my mother two weeks before Christmas at the age of 79, she had been sick for a while.  I am fortunate to have had the love and guidance of such a wonderful woman, she is greatly missed.  Her life was all about family and family gatherings, especially during the holidays.  My brother, George, and his love, Kathleen, have picked up the family-baton with hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners that are worthy of admiration. They are both great cooks and generous hosts.

The best  news: We have been blessed with the birth of a new baby niece and a brand new nephew is due very soon. The circle of life - as the family loses a wonderful woman, we welcome two beautiful bouncing babies.

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